ESET PROTECT: Offers better integration with ESET PROTECT, including scheduling an On-demand scan.e-Shell ( ESET Shell): Command line control interface that offers advanced users more comprehensive administrative options.Settings are divided into the Server protection sector (to manage all of the settings related to server protection) and Computer protection (to manage malware and infiltration protection on the host machine level). New Advanced Setup Tree: Redesigned for more intuitive navigation.All required exclusions are automatically set based on installed software and server roles (on restart). Automatic Exclusions: Includes automatic detection and exclusion of critical server files.Processes Exclusions: Excludes specific processes from antimalware on-access scanning.It is available for the Office 365 business account. OneDrive scan: This new feature is added to scan files in OneDrive cloud storage.Joining workstations with nodes will offer additional management automation due to the ability to distribute one configuration policy across all cluster members. ESET Cluster: ESET Cluster enables managing multiple servers from a single location.When ESET Server Security detects suspicious code or behavior, it prevents further threat activity by temporarily putting it into the ESET LiveGuard Advanced quarantine. ESET LiveGuard Advanced (formerly ESET Dynamic Threat Defense): ESET cloud-based service.

It uses a layered security model where each layer, or phase, has a number of core technologies.